March 25, 2023

5th Sunday of Lent - A (March 26, 2023)


“That You may Believe”

John 11: 1-45


Lazarus had been dead for four days by the time Jesus finally arrived.


When Jesus first heard the news, Lazarus was ill, but was still alive.


Why didn’t Jesus go right away?


He seemed to explain the reason of his delay to the disciples, “Lazarus has died.  And I am glad for you that I was not there, that you may believe.”


When we face difficulties, sufferings, and even death, do they challenge our faith in God? 

We might even want to ask God, “Why?” 


And it’s OK to ask. 


Jesus, strengthen us and our faith in those moments.


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March 18, 2023

4th Sunday of Lent - A (March 19, 2023)

“I do not Know”
John 9: 1-41


Like the man in this gospel passage, we were all once blind, and remained in darkness (2nd Reading). On our own, we cannot know God.

Jesus was sent to revealed to us God and God‘s love. Without Jesus being sent, we would still remain in darkness.

When we think that we have God figured out, when we put God in a box -  the box of our preconceptions and prejudices, then we remain blind.

Only when we humbly acknowledge that we were once blind, that we still do not know, then we can be open to the knowledge of God.  Like the man, we can then request, “Who are you, God, that I may believe in you?”

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March 11, 2023

3rd Sunday of Lent (March 12, 2023)


The Gift of God

John 4: 4-52


In this Gospel passage, Jesus refers to himself as “the gift of God.” 


Jesus is the gift of God’s love.  He gives us the water of eternal life.  He speaks to us God’s words of truth and freedom.  He is the “savior of the world.” 


And Jesus, God’s gift of love, “died for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8; 2nd Reading).


How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” (Psalm 116:12)


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March 4, 2023

2nd Sunday of Lent (March 5, 2023)


Keeping the Vision

Matthew 17: 1-9


Matthew places Jesus’ transfiguration between two of the times that Jesus told his disciples of his coming crucifixion.


The voice from the cloud repeats the proclamation at Jesus’ baptism, at the beginning of his public ministry.


He is well aware of what awaits him.  He also knows who he is, God’s beloved Son.  That will keep him focused on who he is, and his mission, of being the incarnation of God’s love and of bringing God’s salvation for the world.  


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