June 25, 2023

12th Sunday - A (June 25, 2023)


Matthew 10: 26-33


Last week, we heard Jesus sent the disciples to proclaim, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”


In the same chapter, Jesus then warns the disciples of opposition and persecution.


But, the Kingdom of God is here,  so three times Jesus assures them, “Do not be afraid.” 


The Gospel of Matthew ends with Jesus again assuring the disciples, “I am with you always” (28:20).


Jesus is always with us, especially in his words and in the Eucharist.


And to us now, he says, “Do not be afraid.”  



June 17, 2023

11th Sunday - A (June 18, 2023)

Go, Preach, and Heal

Matthew 9:36 – 10:8


Jesus has been going “to all the towns and villages, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness” (9:35).


Then, he commissioned the disciples to do the same. 


He shared his missions with them.  He now shares his mission with us.


In order to proclaim the gospel and to be instruments of God’s healing, we must first imitate Jesus’ compassion whose “heart was moved with pity” for the people, second, be mindful that Jesus gives us the authority, and third, be generous (“Without cost you have receive, without cost you are to give”). 


Image source: Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pompeo Batoni, www.wikipedia.org


June 10, 2023

Body and Blood of Christ (June 11, 2023)


Living Bread

John 6: 51-58


“I am  the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.”


These two sentences summarize the mystery of God’s love for us.


We cannot gain God’s eternal life on our own.  So, out of love for us, Jesus, the Son of God, came to share God’s life with us. 


In the Eucharist, he remains with us to be out food of eternal life. 


June 3, 2023

Most Holy Trinity - A (June 4, 2023)


“God So Loved the World”



Out of love God created the universe and humanity in God’s image and likeness.


Out of love, God “pardoned our wickedness and sins,” and chose us and made us God’s own (1st Reading).


Out of love, God “gave God’s only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (Gospel).


And “the God of love and peace is with us” out of love (2nd Reading).


Let us celebrate this day of God’s love. 


 Image source: www.peakpx.com