July 15, 2023

15th Sunday - A (July 16, 2023)


Little Seeds

Matthew 13: 1-23


Last week, Jesus spoke of the little ones to whom God “graciously will” to reveal the mystery of God and God’s love. 


Today, Jesus speaks of the little seeds of “the word of the kingdom” that he sows with generosity and without discrimination.  The seeds though small can “bear fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirty fold.”  Such is the power of God’s words.


Now, we are empowered by Jesus, the Word of God Made Flesh, to also sow the seeds of God’s Kingdom in our attitudes, words, and actions, generously and without discrimination.  These can be little things, but with God’s grace, can “bear fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirty fold.”  Such is the power of God working in and through us.  


Image source: www.agnusday.org

July 8, 2023

14th Sunday - A (July 9, 2023)


God’s Gracious Will

Matthew 11: 25-3o


In this Gospel passage, Jesus gives praise to the Father, "Lord of heaven and earth," for having revealed to us, "the little ones," the mysteries of God's love in Jesus Christ. 


Who are we but God’s creatures.  On our own, we cannot know God.  It is God who, out of love, creates us and reveals to us God and the mystery of God’s love. 


That is God's "gracious will," which we can never fathom. 


Yet, imitating Jesus, let us give God praise and thanks for God’s love, and for calling us to share in Jesus' mission of making God known.    



July 1, 2023

13th Sunday - A (July 2, 2023)


“The little ones”

Matthew 10: 37-42


Jesus identifies “the little ones” as his disciples, as members of God’s family, as children of God.


It is in the little ones that we encounter God and the reality of God’s kingdom.


Then later in the Gospel According to Matthew, Jesus will identify “the least ones” as his brothers (25:40).  Jesus teaches us that in serving “the least,” we serve Jesus himself.


And with humility, may we embrace being little because that is when we are children of God.  


Image source: www.agnusday.org