March 24, 2018

Palm Sunday - B (March 25, 2018)

Who Is My King?

During the time of Jesus, Palestine was under Roman rule.  Roman soldiers had their base in Caesarea Maritima, west of Jerusalem.  When the occupying forces marched into Jerusalem, they would want to show their military might.  For our interest, visualize the Roman cavalries on horses.  Moreover, in ancient cultures, a warrior king comes riding on horses.

The reading from Mark used today for the procession with palms tells us that Jesus comes into Jerusalem from Bethany to the east.  He rides on a colt as a king who comes in peace, not a warrior on a horse.

This king of peace conquers by his cross.  Thus, it is only on the cross where his true identity is revealed.  Witnessing his death, the centurion professed, “Truly this man was the son of God.”  (Mark 15:39)

I have to ask myself, who is the king that I follow in my life, in my thoughts, my attitude, my words, and actions?

Notes on geography are taken from John Petty,

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March 17, 2018

5th Sunday of Lent - B (March 18. 2018)

Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus

“Some Greeks … came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, ‘Sir, we would like to see Jesus’.”

This identification of Philip is significant.  And like Philip, Andrew was also from Galilee and had a Greek name.  

By the standards of the Jews who were from Judea, Philip and Andrew would be considered a kind of third class Jews.  Judean Jews looked down upon Galilean Jews.  Worse, their Greek names suggest that their parents or ancestors must have either lived for a time outside of Palestine, or had adopted some gentile cultural practices. 

Yet, what certain people might have considered inferior helped Philip and Andrew bring outsiders to Jesus.  Those Greeks must have felt comfortable with Philip and Andrew.  The two had names that they could relate to.  Besides, Philip and Andrew probably spoke their language. 

Isn’t it an example of the last shall be first?

Or is it a case of “the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies and produces much fruits”?

Lent offers me a chance to have a clearer understanding of my true self, to die to what is superficial, and allow Jesus to use me, with all I am, as his instrument to draw others to him. 

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March 11, 2018

4th Sunday of Lent - B (March 11, 2018)

Summit of God’s Love

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”

Out of love for us, God gave his only Son.  Jesus came among us so that we might come to know God.  

He was “lifted up” so we might have “eternal life.”

The death of Jesus is thus the summit of God’s love.  There, God gave us his only Son so we sinners might now live as God’s children. 

March 3, 2018

3rd Sunday of Lent - B (March 4, 2018)

Temple of His Body
John 2: 13-25

Jesus “was speaking about the temple of his body.”

Through baptism, we have become parts of the Body of Christ, and therefore, temples of God.

Lent offers us a chance to review how we live as individual temples of God.  In addition, Lent calls us to live more faithfully to our communal call to be the Church - the Temple of God.

Thus, Jesus remains our model God’s Temple, in whom God dwells among God’s people.