September 25, 2021

26th Sunday - B (September 26, 2021)


“An Ever Wider We”

Mark 9: 38-48


John and his fellow disciples “tried to prevent” a person who was “driving out demons in [Jesus’] name” because the person “does not follow us.”  In other words, this person is an outsider.


Curiously, twenty verses early in this same Chapter 9, the disciples could not drive out one mute spirit.


Do we allow jealousy prevent us and others from doing good, even when the good is done in Jesus’ name?


This year, this Gospel happens to be the Gospel on the annual World Day of Migrants and Refugees.  In his message for this day, Pope Francis invites all believers and people of good will to work “towards an ever wider we” for all people.  He invites us to pray, “Bless each act of welcome and outreach that draws those in exile into the “we” of community and of the Church,
so that our earth may truly become what you yourself created it to be: the common home of all our brothers and sisters. Amen.”


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September 18, 2021

25th Sunday - B (September 19, 2021)

Jesus’ Patience

Mark 9: 30-37


Last week, we heard Jesus telling the disciples that he, the Christ, must suffer and be killed, and he would rise.  The disciples did not get it.  Peter even tried to change Jesus’ mind.


Today, Jesus tells the disciples the same thing the second time.  And again, they don’t get it.


While we won’t hear it in church as a Sunday Gospel passage, but Jesus will tell the disciples the same lesson the third time (Mark 10: 32-45).  And sure enough, the disciples still fail to get it. 


The disciples won’t get it even when Jesus is arrested, crucified, and died.


Eventually, they would get it.  In fact, they all embraced their own sufferings and crosses out of love for Jesus.


They needed time.


And Jesus was patient with them. 


We too need time to learn Jesus’ Gospel and to live his way of life.


We know that Jesus is patient with us.  

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September 11, 2021

24th Sunday - B (September 12, 2021)


The Christ

Mark 8: 27-35


The Gospels of the previous two Sundays portrayed Jesus as an outstanding teacher and a powerful healer. 


First, Jesus’ outclassed the Pharisees and scribes in his teaching.  Then, his healing power made people “exceedingly astonished” that they acclaimed, “He has done all things well.  He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”


Yet, today we learn that he’s more than an outstanding teacher or a powerful healer.  He is the Christ, God-anointed. 


As the Christ, he accepted rejection, his passion, and crucifixion to save humanity.  he is true to his identity.


He calls us to follow him. 


If we live our identity authentically, we must be like Christ.  We must take up our crosses and follow him.  Only then can we have life and become the instruments of Christ’s life in the world.  


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September 4, 2021

23rd Sunday - B (September 5, 2021)



Mark 7: 31-37


The Gospel passage begins with a list of places, all in the area of non-Jewish people, also known as the gentiles.  Jesus went to the people who had not known God to bring them the good news of God’s salvation. 


Today, Jesus continues to do the same for us.


He invites us to “Be opened” to his presence and his Gospel.


Moreover, he invites us to open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts to his presence in the people around us, particularly those who are poor (2nd reading), and those who are outsiders, just as Jesus was to them.


Jesus also gives us the examples and the power to open our mouths to proclaim his Gospel to others. 




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