September 18, 2021

25th Sunday - B (September 19, 2021)

Jesus’ Patience

Mark 9: 30-37


Last week, we heard Jesus telling the disciples that he, the Christ, must suffer and be killed, and he would rise.  The disciples did not get it.  Peter even tried to change Jesus’ mind.


Today, Jesus tells the disciples the same thing the second time.  And again, they don’t get it.


While we won’t hear it in church as a Sunday Gospel passage, but Jesus will tell the disciples the same lesson the third time (Mark 10: 32-45).  And sure enough, the disciples still fail to get it. 


The disciples won’t get it even when Jesus is arrested, crucified, and died.


Eventually, they would get it.  In fact, they all embraced their own sufferings and crosses out of love for Jesus.


They needed time.


And Jesus was patient with them. 


We too need time to learn Jesus’ Gospel and to live his way of life.


We know that Jesus is patient with us.  

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