September 11, 2021

24th Sunday - B (September 12, 2021)


The Christ

Mark 8: 27-35


The Gospels of the previous two Sundays portrayed Jesus as an outstanding teacher and a powerful healer. 


First, Jesus’ outclassed the Pharisees and scribes in his teaching.  Then, his healing power made people “exceedingly astonished” that they acclaimed, “He has done all things well.  He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”


Yet, today we learn that he’s more than an outstanding teacher or a powerful healer.  He is the Christ, God-anointed. 


As the Christ, he accepted rejection, his passion, and crucifixion to save humanity.  he is true to his identity.


He calls us to follow him. 


If we live our identity authentically, we must be like Christ.  We must take up our crosses and follow him.  Only then can we have life and become the instruments of Christ’s life in the world.  


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