August 23, 2014

21st Sunday - A


Matthew 16: 13-20

Listening and Observing

A review of the most recent Sunday Gospel passages might give us some background in understanding today’s passage.  For three weeks, we heard Jesus teaching the mysteries of God’s Kingdom through parables (15th, 16th, and 17th Sundays).  The next three weeks, Jesus revealed the presence of God’s Kingdom and power through miracles and healing (18th, 19th, and 20th Sundays).

The disciples were present in the audience listening to the parables.  They were also present or even took part in the miracles (feeding the people). 

Now, Jesus asks them, “Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus is among us.  He continues to reveal God’s Kingdom to us through his teachings and his actions.

And the same question continues to be presented to each one of us today.  

I can answer that question only if I listen to the voice of Jesus and observing his actions in the events of my life.  If either part is missing, I might not get the full picture of who he is.

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