December 5, 2020

2nd Sunday of Advent - B (December 6, 2020)


Here Is Your God!



The Prophet Isaiah urges us to be “heralds of glad tidings” of the Reign of God.  There, God cares for God’s children “like a shepherd” cares for the flock (First Reading).  Isaiah proclaim, “Here is your God!”  That Reign of God is already here. 


St. Peter also speaks of “new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (Second Reading).


Yet, our world seems still so far from such time of God’s Reign.


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had already come and inaugurated the Reign of God.  Still, we are waiting for its fullness.  Thus, John the Baptist invites us to “prepare the way of the Lord” (Gospel). 


Whatever that is not right of our life and our world reminds us of the validity of that mission.  We are called to prepare the way of the Lord, to be messengers and builders of God’s Reign as we continue to wait for Christ’s return to bring God’s Reign to its completion. 


And that mission begins with my own conversion.  First, I must repent and change where my heart and life have not aligned with the Reign of God.   



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