June 12, 2021

11th Sunday - B (June 13, 2021)


Small Things
Mark 4: 26-34

Jesus speaks of the small things that matter.

All of us probably have experienced how a word, a gesture, a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness could ruin a relationship or a project that we had taken months or even years to cultivate or develop.

We also know that we can touch people's heart with a genuine word of support, a kind gesture, or a thoughtful action.

Jesus tells us that so it is about the kingdom of God.  A word, a gesture, an action... can be the small seed of the kingdom of God.  Once planted, it is God who lets it grow and yield fruit.  

Last week, we celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi...  A small piece of bread, a sip of wine are now the Body and Blood of the Savior.  

Small Things that bring us God's love and salvation. 


Image source:  www.qumran2.net


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