April 30, 2022

3rd Sunday of Easter - C (May 1, 2022)

What Do I Have?

John 21: 1-19


When Jesus first appeared on the scene, he asked the disciples if they had “caught anything to eat.”  Curiously, Jesus had breakfast ready when the disciples came in.  Why did he ask if they had caught something to eat?      


Besides, while he had breakfast ready, he still told the disciples to bring over some of the fish they caught with his instruction.


Later, Jesus asked Peter to feed his sheep.  That came only after Jesus himself had fed Peter, not only with breakfast that day, but with his love, the love that led him to the Cross for Peter and for all his sheep.


What Jesus did in this passage gives us consolation when we feel inadequate, or when the task is more than we could handle. 


Jesus has fed us first.  He continues to feed us with his love, his words of life and his Eucharist.  


Image source: www.agnusday.org


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