November 15, 2008


33rd Sunday - A

Matthew 25: 14 - 30

Do it immediately, and keep going.

After the master leaves, the servant with the five talents immediately goes and trades with them and makes another five. Likewise, the one with the two talents makes another two. They waste no time. They are on a mission. They are willing to take risks. And they succeed.

Interestingly, after the master returns, a part of the rewards that he gives the faithful and productive servants is great responsibilities. They still have work to do. It seems that their risk taking has won the master’s trust.

The third servant, on the contrary, plays it safe. He goes off and buries his master’s money in the ground. What he does is a common practice in unstable war-torn Palestine. Some scholars even suggest that the practice is considered “the best security against theft.” In addition, the servant would be “freed from liability”[1]

One wonders if the master is also a risk taker. Jesus tells us that he entrusts his money to the servants according to their ability. Moreover, he rewards the servants who are more adventurous. Now, he even entrusts them with great responsibility.

In contrast, the servant who plays it safe is punished.

Think of the talents we all have receive as the gift of faith and the mission to spread the Kingdom of God. We can’t play it safe. We have to take risk. And we have no time to waste. We have to do it immediately. And even when we have succeeded in some areas, there is more to do. We will then be entrusted with great responsibilities. We can’t just return what we have received as is.

[1] Harrington, Daniel J. The Gospel of Matthew. Sacra Pagina Series. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, p. 352.

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