February 6, 2010


5th Sunday - C
Luke 5:1-11

Brought to Our Knees

Every human being can relate to Peter's experience, "We have worked hard all night and have caught nothing." Failures, mistakes, shortcomings, disappointments, and sins are parts of our human reality.

And we also know that it's never easy to accept our failures, mistakes, shortcomings, disappointments, and sins.

Peter was no stranger to that. Besides, he knows his trade, "We have worked hard all night." It must have been hard for him to admit his failure at something he knows best.

Yet, not until he acknowledges his failures can he comes to know his true self - a sinner. The humble awareness of his sins and failures brings him to his knees.

The consoling factor is the generosity of our God. Peter, knowing his sinfulness and on his knees, asks the Lord to "depart" from him. It is only then that he hears, not rejection, but the affirmation, "Do not be afraid."

Then, comes the invitation for Peter to follow Jesus as his disciple.

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