October 9, 2010


28th Sunday - C
Luke 17: 11-19

The Content of Prayer

In this short passage, at least three different forms of prayer are mentioned: petition, thanksgiving, and praise.

The ten lepers make a prayer of petition asking Jesus to have pity on them.

Later, the Samaritan returns praising (glorifying) God and thanks Jesus.

Other common forms of prayer include prayers of blessing and intercession. We "bless God who is the source of every blessing." [1] And when we pray on behalf of others, we intercede for them (compared with petition as a prayer for oneself).

The outcast Samaritan leper, as Jesus points out, is a man of faith. His faith is shown in the fact that he knows how to pray. He becomes for us a model of one who puts his faith in God and nourishes that relationship through prayer.

[1] Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2645.
Note: The Catechism has an entire section on various forms of prayer.

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