March 25, 2011

3rd Sunday of Lent - A

John 4: 5-42

We Have Heard for Ourselves

"Many of the Samaritans of that town began to believe in Jesus."

Their journey of faith begins with the words of witness of the woman who has met Jesus personally.

They next come to meet Jesus themselves.

Then they invite Jesus to stay with them, and they spend two days with him.

Their faith reaches its fullness when in the end they profess, "We have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the world."

Here we have a manual of a faith journey. We all were introduced to Jesus through the words and stories of some witness or witnesses. Sooner or later, we must personally spend time with Jesus and listen to His words. Only then can we grow in the faith. The goal is to make the faith that we receive our own.

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