Have I Met the Risen Christ?
Today's Gospel passage begins with the disciples stay behind locked doors in fear.
However, it's already "the evening of that first day of the week." Why does the writer of this Gospel specify that day and the time of the day?
Earlier in this Chapter 20, the disciple whom Jesus loved "saw" the empty tomb and the burial cloths rolled up, "and believed" (Easter Sunday's Gospel, v. 8). Jesus then appeared to Mary of Magdala and told her to go and tell his brothers.
The disciples would probably have heard the story from Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved.
They for sure have heard Mary's witness, "I have seen the Lord" (v. 18).
Yet, they remain behind closed doors, in fear.
At times, other people's words and experience of God may not be enough.
The disciples' fear can only be dispelled by the Risen Christ himself when he enters into their lives, in the midst of their fears and confusion, and give them his peace.
Moreover, this personal encounter gives them joy.
Now, they are ready to be sent by Jesus, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
Today, let's spend some time reflect on our own encounter with the Risen Christ.
Have I met him? Where? In what circumstances? Through whom?