Intentional Blindness
The man who is given given sight by Jesus is "blind from birth" (v. 1).
Jesus' opponents, on the contrary, are all able to see.
Unfortunately, they choose blindness.
It is not a sudden decision. First, they even acknowledge that something extraordinary has happened, but "are divided over its divine origin." [1] With their hang-ups, they then move to discredit Jesus by questioning the man and his parents. In their stubbornness, they first try to question if the man was indeed born blind. Next, they attempt to prove that Jesus' action was sinful.
They become totally blind when in the end, they disassociate themselves from Jesus, considering him a sinner, and stressing that they are "disciples of Moses."
They are intentionally blind because they refuse to see any possibility of goodness in a person who is not one of them, who is different than them, and who does not do things their ways. They are "those who see" who choose to "become blind" (v. 39).
[1] Francis J. Moloney. The Gospel of the Lord: Reflections of the Gospel Readings - Year A. Homebush, Australia: St. Paul Publications, 1992; p. 93.
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