October 7, 2011

28th Sunday - A (October 9, 2011)


God Wants Us There

In this parable, the king spares no efforts to bring his guests to the banquet.

It is no ordinary banquet. It is "not just any wedding." It is "a wedding given by the king for his son" [1].

And the king wants his guests there. He does all in his power to bring them in. He keeps on trying.

In Scripture, the image of the wedding feast is used to indicate the moment of God's reign reaching its fullness in Jesus Christ [2].

For us, the Eucharistic banquet is this wedding feast, the reality of God's greatest love for us in the death and resurrection of God's only Son.

It is up to me to respond to the invitation.

[1] Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., The Gospel of the Lord: Reflections of the Gospel Readings - Year A. Homebush, Australia: St. Paul Publications, 1992; p. 184.
[2] Ibid.

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