February 10, 2012

6th Sunday - B (February 12, 2012)

Mark 1: 40-45

I Do Will it. Be Made Clean

Mark continues his report of Jesus' tireless proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Nothing will stop him.

In the healing of this man with leprosy, Jesus goes as far as touching the man. He does not need to do that in order to heal him.

Yet, Jesus heals more than just the man's physical illness.

By touching him, Jesus treats him as equals, and with the dignity of a human person. Jesus also gives back to him his place among God's people, which he has lost because of the disease. [1]

That is what Jesus wills -- to made the man totally clean. He is now a member of God's family and God's Kingdom again.

That is Jesus' will for all people in preaching to us the Kingdom of God.

[1] Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2002; p. 58.

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