February 1, 2013

4th Sunday - C


Why Is Jesus not Accepted?

The people of Nazareth “were amazed at the gracious words that came from [Jesus'] mouth. They even “spoke highly of him.” So, they recognized and acknowledged that what Jesus was saying was amazing.

Prior to this time in their synagogue, they already heard of what he had done, and acknowledged that his deeds were special also. Therefore, they demanded Jesus to “do here in your native place the things that we heard were done in Capernaum.”

So, the knew what he said and did were extraordinary.Ir

Yet, they could not comprehend how it was possible that “the son of Joseph,” that ordinary neighbor whom they thought they knew, could say and do all that.

In the end, they could not see beyond the ordinary.  Maybe he was just too ordinary for him.

So, they rejected him.

Consequently, Jesus would never return to Nazareth [1]

Can I see God and God's extraordinary love in the ordinary people, things, and events of life?

[1] Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of the Lord, Reflections on the Gospel Readings Year C. Collegeville, MN. Liturgical Press, 1991; p. 122.

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