January 17, 2015

2nd Sunday - B


Who Found Whom?

“We have found the Messiah,” said Andrew to Peter.  Not exactly. [1]   It was John who pointed out the Messiah to Andrew and the other disciple.  They did not actually find him.

Here, at their first meeting, Jesus invited the two disciples to “come, and you will see.”  They followed him.   Then, they stayed with him that day.  

Later, during the last supper, Jesus would invite them again to “remain in him,” and to “remain in his love.”  (15:4, 9).  (In the original Greek text, it is the same verb often translated into English as “to stay,” “to remain,” or “to abide.”) [2]

It is the Lord who finds us, and invites us to be with him.  [3]

And Simon, upon meeting Jesus, receives the name Peter.  This is the name with which he would be known in Jesus’ family.

It is the Lord who gives us our new and true identity – his followers, members of his family. [4]

It is in following and remaining with Jesus that we find ourselves.

[1] & [3] Francis J. Moloney, SDB. The Gospel of John.  Sacra Pagina Series.  Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1998; p. 54.
[2] www.blueletterbible.org
[3]  John Petty, “Progressive Involvement.” Internet address:  www.progressiveinvolvement.com.  Posted on January 13, 2014.

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