October 3, 2015

27th Sunday - B


From the Beginning of Creation”

The setting of a Scripture passage can be a good tool for its understanding. The events in this passage of Mark 10: 2-16, as well as the conversations and Jesus' teachings we will hear next Sunday, take place as Jesus is journeying toward Jerusalem.

In the passage, Jesus brings up God's plan “from the beginning of creation.” The plan of God's love and goodness gives the guidelines and standards for human relationships and the order of all creation.

Our lives may not always reflect that plan, as a result of sins. So is the reality of our world.

Jesus is now on the way to Jerusalem. There, by his passion, crucifixion and resurrection, he will restore the original plan of God. Moreover, all creation is redeemed by his blood. We are no longer just God's creation. We are now God's children, brothers and sisters of Christ (2nd Reading, Hebrew 2:11)

Though we are not there yet, we know and believe that the fullness of God's Kingdom is the true fulfillment of God's plan of love. There, we will be with God forever.

Thus, Pope Francis reminded us, “Our life is not a pointless wandering. We have a sure goal: the house of the Father.” [1]

[1] Twitter, Pontifex, October 1, 2015.

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