January 10, 2009


Baptism of the Lord
Mark 1: 7-11

The Heavens Open

Jesus, who has come in fulfilling God the Father's plan, is superior to John. Mark emphasizes that point in John's humble testimony. He considers himself not even worthy to be Jesus' slave. (Since removing the master's sandals is a job so lowly that a Hebrew servant is not expected to do. It is reserved to non-Jew slaves) (1).

The short passage from the Gospel according to Mark is full of actions, intentional actions, surrounding Jesus. First, "Jesus came" an action described by a verb with intention, not an accident. Then, "the heavens [were] torn open." Next, "the Spirit, like a dove, [descended] upon him." Finally, "a voice came from the heavens."

Yes, Jesus, who is God's beloved Son, and who is superior to all, has chosen to come among us. And that is a part of God's plan so that we may be come God's children. His coming tore the heavens open, and the Holy Spirit descends upon us at our baptism to make us God's sons and daughters. The Father is now addressing us, "you are my beloved sons and daughters."

(1) Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of Mark: a Commentary. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002; p. 35.

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