April 18, 2009


2nd Sunday of Easter – B
John 20:19-31

Be Messengers of God’s Peace and Forgiveness

The disciples locked themselves up physically “for fear of the Jews.” To these disciples who are fearful Jesus says, “Peace be with you.”

But the physical locking of themselves in a room out of fear highlights the locking of their hearts out of shame of their past failures. They know they have denied and abandoned their friend and teacher. To these disciples who feel ashamed Jesus says, “Peace be with you.”

Moreover, Jesus commissions these very disciples, who are fearful and ashamed, to be messengers of his peace and instruments of his forgiveness. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you…. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them.“

The disciples have received the gift of peace from Jesus; they are now to share it and be messengers of God’s peace.

The disciples have been forgiven; they are now to forgive and be instruments of God’s forgiveness.

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