February 21, 2015

1st Sunday of Lent - B


The Kingdom of God is at Hand

Jesus is in the desert for forty days. So was Israel for forty years.

It was in the desert where God revealed God's very self and God's plan of salvation to Israel through the covenant. It was also in the desert where Israel rejected God.[1]

Now, in the desert, Jesus, the new Israel, has overcome Satan's temptation to accept God's plan of salvation.

Thus, the inauguration of the Kingdom of God.

And this year, by the way the Sunday readings occurred, we just finished reading the remainder of Chapter 1 of Mark. For 4 consecutive Sundays, we learned of Jesus calling people into a community (the call of the first disciples). With a sense of purpose and urgency, he goes about proclaiming the Kingdom. We saw him reaching out to those who are in need. His desire and mission are to bring people to the wholeness of God's Reign. His words, actions, and attitudes all proclaim God's time of fulfillment.

Lent offers us the opportunity to journey through our own desert. There are things the Lord is inviting each of us to leave behind so as to embrace the fulfillment of God's Kingdom. What are they?

What do I need to leave behind in order to embrace Christ's attitude and way of life, which are the reality of God's Kingdom.

[1] Frank Moloney, This is the Gospel of the Lord: Reflections of the Gospel Readings, Year B. Homebush, NSW, Australia: St. Paul Publications, 1993; p. 88.

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