October 9, 2016

28th Sunday - C


What a Reputation.

With the religious leaders of the people, Jesus has the reputation of a trouble maker.

With the people, however, Jesus is known for his teaching with authority (Luke 4:32) and a miracle worker (4:23).

Moreover, the lepers in this Gospel passage of Luke 17:11-19 must have heard of Jesus’ reputation of compassion for the outcasts of society.  Otherwise, they would not have dared to break the law and come near him.  Not only have they heard of his mighty power of healing, they must have heard and believed that he cares for them.  The Samaritan man, recognizing that he has been healed, even goes as far as touching Jesus’ feet as a gesture of humble gratitude.  He knows he would not be rejected. 

His confidence challenges me to trust in Jesus’ mercy and compassion for me, a sinner.

Then, Jesus proclaims God’s mercy by his words, actions, and attitudes.  And that is his reputation.

What reputation do I have as a child of God?  A good question to ask during this Jubilee Year of Mercy.

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