August 5, 2017

Feast of Transfiguration of the Lord - A (August 6, 2017)


Beloved Child of God

When I take a selfie, or when I look into a mirror, what do I see?
Do I see myself as a child of God?

And what do people say when they are with me?

You may want to spend some time repeating and meditating on one of these two sentences from today’s Gospel. 

The first sentence, as you meditate with it, imagine that God is speaking to you and about you.  “This is my beloved son/daughter, with whom I am well pleased.”

The second sentence, as you meditate with it, imagine that people who meet you or spend time with you are saying, “It is good that we are here.”  They say that because they are with you, a child of God, just as Peter did when he was with Jesus. 

 (Image source:

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