January 14, 2018

2nd Sunday - B (January 14, 2018)

John 1: 35-42

“What are You Looking for?

Jesus asks the two disciples, “What are you looking for?”

He is asking us the same question today.  In fact, every day we need to reply to that question because the answer gives the direction to our lives.

We look for all kinds of things.  We also look for direction from all kinds of people.  We follow celebrities, athletes, writers, philosophers, political leaders….  Most of us also have followers, whether in our children, people who look up to us, or people who follow us on social media, etc.

But we know that only in following Jesus do we find life in its fullness, both in this life and in eternal life.  Thus, St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power” (2nd reading).

It is not what we should look for, but who. 

Let us strive to look for Jesus each day.  

Image source:  www.qumran2.net

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